
Pro Tips For Salary Negotiation

  1. Know Your Value If you’re going to get the pay you deserve, it’s crucial to know the going rate for your position in your specific industry and in your geographic area. As  I Will Teach You to Be Rich’s  Ramit Sethi points out, if you walk into a salary negotiation without a number, you’re at the mercy of an experienced hiring manager who can simply control the conversation. You can do this by doing an online search on sites such as Payscale or Glassdoor, or by asking others in your field (ideally both men and women, to avoid falling victim to the gender pay gap). 2. Talk to Recruiters Another way to do some research? Pick up those calls from  recruiters . They know what people with your experience and expertise are worth, so use it to your advantage! The next time one reaches out to you, engage in a conversation about the position’s responsibilities and pay. You may not get a specific number, but even a range is helpful. 3. Organize Your Thoughts To organ

Python - Remove Stopwords

S top   word   is a  generally   used   word  (  similar  as “ the”, “ a”, “ an”, “ in”) that a  hunt   machine  has  been  programmed to  ignore , both when indexing  entries  for  searching  and when  reacquiring  them as the  result  of a  hunt   query . We'd not  want  these  words  to  take  up  space  in our database, or  taking  up  precious  processing  time . For this, we can  remove  them  fluently , by  storing  a list of  words  that you  consider  to  stop   words . NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) in python has a list of stopwords  stored  in 16  different   languages . You can  find  them in thenltk_data directory.  home / pratima/nltk_data/  corpora / stopwords is the directory  address . (  Do n't  forget  to  change  your  home  directory  name ) What are Stopwords? Stopwords are the most  common   words  in any  natural   language . For the  ambition  of  assaying   textbook  data and  fabricating  NLP  models , these stopwords might not  add   important   val