
Showing posts with the label artificial intelligence machine learning

Tanh Activation Function

You are already familiar with the characteristics of trigonometric functions.   Hyperbolic functions, as contrast to trigonometric functions, are defined for the hyperbola. You will learn about the Tanh function python  in this brief lesson, along with its functions, calculator, formula, and equation. The figure below shows a graphical depiction of the Tanh function. Tanh, sometimes known as "tansh," is a hyperbolic function. The ratio of Sinh and Cosh is the function Tanh. tanh = sinh cosh Even the exponential function may be used to define this function.

AI vs ML vs DL

AI VS ML VS DL Artificial Intelligence Machines are now capable of problem-solving and efficient work thanks to artificial intelligence. Visit HPE to see how AI can quickly learn and analyze large amounts of data. HPC Services. The replication of human intellectual functions by machines, particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence. Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are some examples of specific AI applications. The phrase "artificial intelligence" was originally used to refer to devices that imitate and exhibit "human" cognitive abilities associated with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving." Major AI researchers have now rejected this approach and now define AI in terms of rationality and rational behavior, which does not constrain the idea of intelligence. Machine Learning Computers may now learn without explicit programming thanks to the branch of resea

ML | Linear Regression

A machine learning algorithm based on supervised learning is linear regression. It executes a regression operation. Regression uses independent variables to model a goal prediction value. It is mostly used to determine how variables and forecasting relate to one another. Regression models vary according to the number of independent variables they utilize and the type of relationship they take into account between the dependent and independent variables. Predicting the value of a dependent variable (y) based on an independent variable is carried out using linear regression algorithm (x). Therefore, x (the input) and y (the output) are found to be linearly related using this regression approach (output). Thus, the term "linear regression" was coined. In the diagram above, X represents a person's job history and Y represents their wage. The regression line is the line that fits our model the best. Hypothesis Function Of Linear Regression : As we train the provided model: inp

Optimisers In Deep Learning

Optimizers In Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that is used to carry out difficult tasks like text categorization and speech recognition, among others. An activation function, input, output, hidden layer, loss function, and other components make up a deep learning model. Any deep learning model makes predictions based on previously unseen data and attempts to generalise the data using an algorithm. We require both an optimization method as well as an algorithm that translates examples of inputs to examples of outputs. When mapping inputs to outputs, an optimization method determines the value of the parameters (weights) that minimises the error. The effectiveness of the deep learning model is significantly impacted by these optimization methods or optimizers. They also have an impact on the model's speed training. We must adjust the weights for each epoch during deep learning model training and reduce the loss function. An optimizer is a procedure or method that alter

Scope of python

The most promising career in technology and business is programming in scope of python . Python profession opportunities are growing dramatically on a global scale. Most major businesses demand Python because of its simple codes and quick readability capabilities. A python is a great tool for creating innovative concepts. The number of candidates interested in Python grows daily. Companies nowadays, both in India, are searching for a qualified Python developer for their organizations. When compared to other languages, knowing Python provides one a competitive edge. Around 2 lakh positions were created by Indian IT companies in 2018, and they continue to need additional Python developers. The Python programming language is becoming more popular as it is used in cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Binary Cross-Entropy

Binary Cross-Entropy A loss function utilised in binary classification tasks is called binary crossentropy. These are assignments that offer a single, two-option response to a query (yes or no, A or B, 0 or 1, left or right). As in multi-label classification or binary image segmentation, multiple independent such problems can be addressed simultaneously. According to formal definitions, this loss is equivalent to the mean of the categorical crossentropy loss on numerous two-category tasks. Loss function introduction Let's first learn the Loss function before moving on to Log Loss. Consider the following scenario: You believe your machine learning model has identified cats and dogs with success, but how do you know this is the optimal outcome? Here, we're seeking for measurements or a function that can help us improve the performance of our model. The loss function indicates the accuracy of your model's predictions. Loss will be at its lowest if model projections are closest

Python Scope In Future

Python 3.0 (sometimes known as "Python 3000" or "Py3k") is a new version of the language that is incompatible with Python 2.x. The language is basically the same, but many aspects have changed significantly, particularly how built-in objects like dictionaries and strings function, and many deprecated features have finally been eliminated. The standard library has also been restructured in a few key areas. Python is a scripting language that is high-level, interpreted, interactive, and object-oriented. Python is intended to be a very understandable language. It typically uses English terms instead of punctuation, and it has fewer syntactical structures than other languages. Python is a must-have skill for students and working professionals who want to become exceptional software engineers, especially if they work in the Web Development field. I'll go over some of the primary benefits of learning Python: 1.Python is Interpreted Python is handled by the interpreter

ReLU Function

  Artificial neural networks are based on biological neurons in the human body that activate in response to certain stimuli, causing the body to perform a connected action. Artificial neural nets are made up of multiple layers of interconnected artificial neurons that are powered by activation functions that turn them on and off. There are specific values that neural nets learn in the training process, just like standard machine learning algorithms. What is Activation Function? As previously stated, activation functions provide the ultimate value provided by a neuron; but, what is an activation function and why do we need it? So, an activation function is just a simple function that changes its inputs into outputs with a specific range of values. The sigmoid activation function, for example, receives input and translates the resulting values between 0 and 1 in a different way than other types of activation functions. Second Half One of the reasons for including this function in an arti

Python's Two Priceless Gem(Keywords And Identifiers)

 Gem No 1:- Keywords Python have reserved words so we cant use variable name, function name or any identifier.  They are   to delineate  the syntax and edifice  of the Python language. Python always a case sensitive. There are 33 keywords in python 3.7. True, False and None are the keywords which comes in lowercase and they must be express as they are. Just check the image given below of all 33 keywords. Just put an eye on every keywords and try to understand it just move towards secong gem. Gem No 2:- Identifiers Identifiers are names given to entities such as classes, functions, variables, etc. It is used to distinguish one entity from another. Rules for writing identifiers Identifiers can be a combination of letters in lowercase  (a to z)  or uppercase  (A to Z)  or digits  (0 to 9)  or an underscore  _ . Names like  myClass ,  var_1  and  print_this_to_screen , all are valid example. An identifier cannot start with a digit.  1variable  is invalid, but  variable1  is a val

Activation Functions In Neural Network

Activation function in neural network  are a veritably important element of neural networks in deep literacy. It helps us to determine the affair of a deep literacy model, its delicacy, and also the computational effectiveness of training a model. They also have a major effect on how the neural networks will meet and what will be the confluence speed. In some cases, the activation functions might also help neural networks from confluence. So, let’s understand the activation functions, types of activation functions & their significance and limitations in details. What is the activation function? Activation functions help us to determine the affair of a neural network. These types of functions are attached to each neuron in the neural network, and determines whether it should be actuated or not, grounded on whether each neuron’s input is applicable for the model’s vaticination. Activation function also helps us to homogenize the affair of each neuron to a range between 1 and 0 or bet

Activation Function in Brief

 Introduction The Internet provides  access  to  plethora  of  information   moment . Whatever we  need  is  just  a Google (  hunt )  down .  Still , when we've  so   important   information , the  challenge  is to  insulate  between  applicable  and  inapplicable   information . When our  brain  is  fed  with a  lot  of  information   contemporaneously , it tries  hard  to  understand  and  classify  the  information  into “  useful ” and “ not-  so - useful ”  information . We  need  a  analogous   medium  for  classifying  incoming  information  as “  useful ” or “ less- useful ” in case of Neural  Networks . This is  important  in the  way  a  network  learns because not all the  information  is  inversely   useful . Some of it's  just   noise . This is where activation functions  come  into  picture . The activation functions  help  the  network   use  the  important   information  and  suppress  the  inapplicable  data  points . Let  us  go  through these activation func