tuple functions in python

Multiple elements can be stored in a single variable using a tuple.

Tuple is one of Python's four built-in data types for storing collections of data; the other three are List, Set, and Dictionary, all of which have different properties and applications.

A tuple functions in python is a collection of items that is both ordered and immutable.

Tuple Items

Tuple elements are immutable, sorted, and allow for duplicate values.The first item has an index of [0], the second item has an index of [1], and so on.


When we state that tuples are sorted, we're referring to the fact that the items are in a specific sequence that will not change.


Tuples are immutable, which means we can't edit, add, or remove things after they've been generated.

Allow Duplicate

Tuples can have items with the same value since they are indexed:

Duplicate values are allowed in example tuples:

thistuple = ("apple," "banana," "cherry," "apple," "cherry," "apple," "apple," "apple," "apple," "apple," "apple," "apple," "apple," "apple (thistuple)

Tuple Length

Use the len() function to find out how many items are in a tuple:

Print the tuple's total number of items:

print(len(thistuple)) thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")

Create tuple with one item

If you want to make a tuple with only one item, you must put a comma after the item, else Python will not recognise it as a tuple.

Remember the comma when using a one-item tuple:

print(type(thistuple)) thistuple = ("apple")

This isn't a tuple.
print(type(thistuple)) thistuple = ("apple")


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