Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) in Deep Learning

 The Rectified Linear Unit is the most commonly used activation function in deep learning models. The function returns 0 if it receives any negative input, but for any positive value 

x it returns that value back. So it can be written as f(x)=max(0,x).

Graphically it looks like this

ReLU image

It's surprising that such a simple function (and one composed of two linear pieces) can allow your model to account for non-linearities and interactions so well. But the ReLU Activation function works great in most applications, and it is very widely used as a result.

Why It Works

Introducing Interactions and Non-linearities.

Activation functions serve two primary purposes 

1) Help a model account for commerce goods.
What's an interactive effect? It's when one variable A affects a vaticination else depending on the value ofB. For illustration, if my model wanted to know whether a certain body weight indicated an increased threat of diabetes, it would have to know an existent's height. Some bodyweights indicate elevated pitfalls for short people, while indicating good health for altitudinous people. So, the effect of body weight on diabetes threat depends on height, and we'd say that weight and height have an commerce effect.

2) Help a model account fornon-linear goods. This just means that if I graph a variable on the vertical axis, and my prognostications on the perpendicular axis, it is not a straight line. Or said another way, the effect of adding the predictor by one is different at different values of that predictor.

How ReLU captures Interactions and Non-Linearities

Relations Imagine a single knot in a neural network model. For simplicityassume it has two inputscalled A and B. The weights from A and B into our knot are 2 and 3 independentlySo the knot affair is f (2A 3B). We will use the ReLU function for ourf. So, if 2A 3B is positive, the affair value of our knot is also 2A 3B. Still, the affair value of our knot is 0, If 2A 3B is negative.

For concreteness, consider a case where A = 1 and B = 1. The affair is 2A 3B, and if A increasesalso the affair increases too. On the other hand, if B = -100 also the affair is 0, and if A increases relatively, the affair remains 0. So A might increase our affair, or it might not. It just depends what the value of B is.
This is a simple case where the knot captured an commerce. As you add further bumps and further layers, the implicit complexity of relations only increases. But you should now see how the activation function helped capture an commerce.

Non-linearities A function isnon-linear if the pitch is not constantSo, the ReLU function isnon-linear around 0, but the pitch is always either 0 (for negative values) or 1 (for positive values). That is a veritably limited type ofnon-linearity.

But two data about deep literacy models allow us to produce numerous different types ofnon-linearities from how we combine ReLU bumps.
Firstutmost models include a bias term for each knot. The bias term is just a constant number that's determined during model training. For simplicityconsider a knot with a single input called A, and abias.However, also the knot affair is f (7 A), If the bias term takes a value of 7. In this case, if A is lower than-7, the affair is 0 and the pitch is 0. Stillalso the knot's affair is 7 A, and the pitch is 1, If A is lesser than-7.

So the bias term allows us to move where the pitch changesSo far, it still appears we can have only two different pitches.
Stillreal models have numerous bumps. Each knot ( indeed within a single subcaste) can have a different value for it's biasso each knot can change pitch at different values for our input.

When we add the performing functions back over, we get a combined function that changes pitches in numerous places.
These models have the inflexibility to producenon-linear functions and account for relations well (if that will giv better prognostications). As we add further bumps in each subcaste (or further complications if we're using a convolutional model) the model gets indeed lesser capability to represent these relations andnon-linearities.


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