Keywords and Identifiers in Python

 Python Keywords

Well simply, Python keywords are the words that are reserved. That means you ca n’t use them as name of any realities like variables, classes and functions.

So you might be allowing what are these keywords for. They're for defining the syntax and structures of Identifiers in Python language.

You should know there are 33 keywords in Python programming language as of writing this tutorial. Although the number can vary by course of timeAlso keywords in Python is case sensitiveSo they're to be written as it is. Then's a list of all keywords in python programming.

List of All Python Keywords

andLogical operator
assertFor debugging
breakBreak out of Python loops
classUsed for defining Classes in Python
continueKeyword used to continue with the Python loop by skipping the existing
defKeyword used for defining a function
delUsed for deleting objects in Python
elifPart of the if-elif-else conditional statement in Python
elseSame as above
exceptA Python keyword used to catch exceptions
FALSEBoolean value
finallyThis keyword is used to run a code snippet when no exceptions occur
forDefine a Python for loop
fromUsed when you need to import only a specific section of a module
globalSpecify a variable scope as global
ifUsed for defining an “if” condition
importPython keyword used to import modules
inChecks if specified values are present in an iterable object
isThis keyword is used to test for equality.
lambdaCreate anonymous functions
NoneThe None keyword represents a Null value in PYthon
nonlocalDeclare a variable with non-local scope
notLogical operator to negate a condition
orA logical operator used when either one of the conditions needs to be true
passThis Python keyword passes and lets the function continue further
raiseRaises an exception when called with the specified value
returnExits a running function and returns the value specified
TRUEBoolean value
tryPart of the try…except statement
whileUsed for defining a Python while loop
withCreates a block to make exception handling and file operations easy
yieldEnds a function and returns a generator object

What Is Python Identifiers?

Python Identifier is the name we give to identify a variablefunctionclass, module or other object. That means whenever we want to give an reality a name, that’s called identifier.

Occasionally variable and identifier are frequently misknew as same but they're not. Well for claritylet’s see what's a variable?
What's a Variable in Python?

variable, as the name indicates is commodity whose value is changeable over time. In fact a variable is a memory position where a value can be storedLatterly we can recoup the value to use. But for doing it we need to give a surname to that memory position so that we can relate to it. That’s identifier, the surname.
Rules for Writing Identifiers
There are some rules for writing Identifiers. But first you must know Python is case sensitive. That means Name and name are two different identifiers in Python. Then are some rules for writing Identifiers in python.

InsideAIML is the plstform where you can learn Python Deeply and more related about AI.


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